
Showing posts from December, 2019

Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Dry Out As Well As Spider Web Lab

Dry lab (computer assisted analysis) 1. Dry lab or dry out laboratories are laboratories where computers or figurer generated models are used for analysis. 2. It refers to the operate of computers or figurer generated models in analyzing a biological information 3. Specifically refers to figurer analysis by as well as large inwards an offline mode Example: Use of about downloadable biological software for biological information analysis Web lab (web based analysis) 1. Web lab or Web laboratories are laboratories that involves spider web based analysis of biological information 2. It refers to the operate of online figurer programs or software 3. Specifically refers to spider web based analysis of biological information Example: Use of online tool BLAST* for nucleotide sequence comparing *Basic local alignment search tool (BLAST): is an online nucleotide or poly peptide sequence comparing as well as analysis tool provided past times NCBI (National Centr

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Denaturation In Addition To Renaturation Of Dna

Definition: Denaturation: The procedure of formation of unmarried stranded deoxyribonucleic acid from double stranded helical deoxyribonucleic acid upon heating. Renaturation: The procedure of formation of double stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (reannealing) from unmarried stranded deoxyribonucleic acid upon cooling. Denaturation 1. The procedure of formation of unmarried stranded deoxyribonucleic acid from double stranded helical deoxyribonucleic acid 2. It is effected yesteryear heating 3. It involves breakage of hydrogen bonds betwixt complementary base of operations pairs 4. The increment inward absorbance (A260) upon denaturation is called every mo hyper chromic termination 5. The charge per unit of measurement of increment inward absorbance is conduct proportional to the charge per unit of measurement of denaturation 6. Upon denaturation, viscosity decreases 7. Detected yesteryear mensuration UV absorbance at 260nm Renaturation

Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Amylose In Addition To Amylopectin

Starch is a nutritional polysaccharide together with is the major storage  carbohydrate  in plants. It is a heteropolyscaccaride composed of 2 polysaccharides:  Amylose together with Amylopectin. Starch Amylose   vs Amylopectin Amylose 1.It constitutes close 20% of the starch 2. Amylose is a conduct chain polymer of D-glucose units 3. The bonding involved is α-1->4 glycosidic linkage 4. With iodine amylose stains blueish 5. α together with β amylases tin hydrolyse amylose 6. to a greater extent than soluble inwards H2O 7. Soluble inwards hot H2O without swelling 8. Soluble inwards hot H2O but does non shape starch gel or glue Amylopectin 1.It constitutes close 80% of the starch 2.  Amylopectin is a branched chain polymer of D-glucose units 3. The bonding involved is α-1->4 glycosidic linkage together with α-1->6 glycosidic linkage at branch points 4. With iodine amylopectin stains reddish chocolate-brown 5. α toget

Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Transpiration Together With Guttation

Transpiration Definition:The loss of H2O inward the course of report of vapours from the living tissues of aerial parts of the found is termed every bit transpiration. “ Transpiration is a necessary evil ”  Curtis 1. Water loss inward the course of report of vapour 2. Occurs through stomata, cuticle or lenticels 3. Usually occurs during twenty-four hr catamenia fourth dimension 4. Water vapours are pure together with gratuitous of dissolved substances 5. It is a controlled phenomenon 6. Universal phenomenon together with occurs inward found 7. The stomata of leaves snuff it closed or open  according to the need, commonly they stay opened upward during twenty-four hr catamenia together with closed during night. 8. It is controlled yesteryear the guard cells 9. Root pressure level is non involved inward transpiration. Guttation: Loss of H2O inward the course of report of liquid from the uninjured margins of the leaves is called guttation. 1.

Mr 10 Deviation Betwixt Hydroponics Too Aeroponics

Definition Hydroponics – The exercise of growing plants inwards food enriched H2O without soil is called soilless increase or hydroponics. Aeroponics is the tillage of plants where roots are exposed to the air Hydroponics 1. Hydroponics is the tillage of plants inwards food solutions nether soilless weather condition 2. It is besides called every bit H2O civilisation or soilless civilisation 3. Used to cause upwards one's heed the essential food requirement for found increase 4. Common food solutions include Knop’s food solution in addition to Hoagland’s food solution Aeroponics 1. Aeroponics is the method of tillage of amongst rootage organisation exposed to air 2. Devised yesteryear Zobel et al 1976 3. Nutrient mist (a cloud of wet containing nutrients amongst air) is sprayed on to the hanging roots 4. Olive in addition to Citrus plants are grown aeroponically

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Cyclic As Well As Not Cyclic Photophosphorylation

Photosynthesis is the procedure of producing carbohydrates yesteryear greenish plants using CO2 together with H2O inwards the presence of sunlight. It is a two-step procedure low-cal reaction together with night reaction Light reaction takes house inwards the grana of the chloroplast where low-cal publish energy is converted to chemic publish energy equally ATP together with NADPH In night reaction, the publish energy produced inwards the low-cal reaction is utilized to laid CO2 to carbohydrates. The place of night reaction is stroma of the chloroplast Cyclic photophosphorylation vs Non  Cyclic photophosphorylation Photophosphorylation In low-cal reaction, add-on of phosphate inwards the presence of low-cal is called photophosphorylation. Cyclic photophosphorylation The photophosphorylation occurring an cyclic electron carry called cyclic photophosphorylation 1. Only photosystem I is involved 2. The active reaction centre is P700 3. Electrons travels in

Mr Ten Divergence Betwixt Nutrient Chain In Addition To Nutrient Spider Web (Food Chain Vs Nutrient Web)

Food Chain The serial of organisms of an ecosystem through which the nutrient in addition to release energy introduce inwards it and  passes amongst each fellow member is called nutrient chain. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 nutrient chain consists of producers (green plants), consumers (animals in addition to man) in addition to decomposers (micro organisms). Basically at that topographic point are ii types of nutrient chains: grazing nutrient chain in addition to detritus nutrient chain . Example of nutrient chain:  Plants --> Mice-->Snakes--> Vultures Food Web In an ecosystem unmarried nutrient chains never occur. The same organisms may operate at to a greater extent than than 1 tropic level. So unlike nutrient chains are inter connected. Thus, inwards an ecosystem several nutrient chains are linked together in addition to intersect each other to form a complex network called nutrient web. Definition:  A release of nutrient chains form a interlinking designing

Mr Ten Divergence Betwixt Grazing In Addition To Detritus Nutrient Chain

What is Food Chain? The serial of organisms of an ecosystem through which the nutrient together with pose out energy introduce inwards it and  passes amongst each fellow member is called nutrient chain. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 food chain consists of producers (green plants), consumers (animals together with man) together with decomposers (micro organisms). Basically in that place are 2 types of nutrient chains: grazing nutrient chain together with detritus nutrient chain . Grazing nutrient chain starts amongst greenish plants which are the producers. The green  plants or producers are grazed yesteryear herbivorous animals which are farther eaten yesteryear carnivores. Primary producers (Autotrophs)-> Primary consumers (Herbivores)-> Secondary Consumers (Carnivores) Grass->Rabbit->Fox->Lion 1. The chain begins amongst greenish plants (producers) at the kickoff trophic degree 2. Energy for this nutrient chain comes from the Sun 3. Food chain adds pose

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Gross Master Copy Productivity In Addition To Cyberspace Master Copy Productivity

Productivity of an ecosystem is the charge per unit of measurement of production or the sum of organic affair formed or accumulated per unit of measurement surface area inwards unit of measurement time. Primary productivity is the charge per unit of measurement at which radiant unloose energy is stored yesteryear the producers. Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) 1. It is the sum of organic affair synthesized yesteryear producers per unit of measurement surface area inwards unit of measurement fourth dimension 2. It refers to the full productivity including the unloose energy utilized for respiration yesteryear the producers 3. It depends on chlorophyll content 4. GPP = Rate of increase inwards torso wt or charge per unit of measurement of organic affair synthesized yesteryear producers + the charge per unit of measurement of respiration ( R )and other damages. Net Primary Productivity (NPP)   1. It is the sum of organic affair stored yesteryear producers per unit

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Natural As Well As Artificial Ecosystem

Ecosystem tin post away last defined equally a structural too functional unit of measurement of biosphere including both organisms too abiotic environment, influencing the properties of each other too both necessary for the maintenance of life. The term  ‘ecosystem’ was proposed yesteryear Arthur Tansley Natural ecosystem (imagine a woods ecosystem) 1. Consists of many species of plants too animals 2. Genetic diverseness is real high 3. The sunlight is the reveal energy origin for autotrophs too this reveal energy drives all biological cycles 4. Food chains are long too complex 5. Ecological succession takes house inward a natural ecosystem over the catamenia of fourth dimension 6. Natural food cycling ensures maximum too efficient cycling of nutrients 7. Productivity is extremely variable too depends on the environment. In tropical rainforest productivity is real high, but inward deserts productivity is real depression 8. High sustainability

Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Insect Pollinated Together With Current Of Air Pollinated Flowers

Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of a bloom Pollinating agents include wind, insects, birds etc Insect pollinated flower 1. Brightly coloured large petals amongst fragrance 2. Nectar produced inward nectary 3. Anthers prevarication deep within the bloom 4. Filaments are rigid together with sturdy 5. Pollen grains are large together with acquaint inward pocket-size numbers 6. May accept glutinous majority helping adherence of insects 7. Stigma prevarication within the petals 8. Flowers may hold out lone or every bit inflorescence 9. Plants comport bisexual flowers Wind pollinated flower 1. Dull colored small petals without fragrance 2. No nectar 3. Anthers oftentimes seen supported exterior the bloom 4. Filaments are slender together with long 5. Pollen grains are light, infinitesimal together with inward large numbers 6. May hold out winged for current of air carry 7. Feathery stigma bo

Mr Ten Divergence Betwixt Darwinism In Addition To Neo-Darwinism (Darwinism Vs Neo Darwinism)

The evolutionary sentiment  proposed yesteryear Charles Darwin called ‘ Darwinism ’ or Natural pick theory, explaining the machinery of evolution  is published inward his mass ‘ On the Origin of Species yesteryear way of Natural Selection’. The of import postulates of the theory are: Over production, Struggle for existence, Variations, Survival of the fittest, in addition to Origin of species. Neo-Darwinism The recent supporters of Darwinism modified the theory according to the latest evolution inward biology. This modified theory is called Neo- Darwinism or Modern synthetic theory of Natural selection. A few Neo Darwinism Supporters are Romanes, Wallace, Fisher, Huxley, Ford, Haldane, Goldschmidt, Sewall Wright, Ernst Haeckel, August Weismann, Mendel, Dobazhansky , Kettlewell in addition to Herbert Spencer. Darwinism vs  Neo-Darwinism Darwinism 1. It is the master copy concept postulated yesteryear Darwin in addition to Wallace to explicate the tre

Mr X Departure Betwixt Intensive In Addition To Extensive Property

Intensive property 1. It is the belongings of thing that is independent of the quantity of the substance         2. The density of unmarried drib of H2O is same equally the density of five or 10 litres of water 3.  Eg: density, specific gravity, temperature etc Extensive property 1. It is the belongings of thing that is dependent of the quantity of the substance       2. There is an obvious divergence betwixt ane g of saccharide together with ane Kg of saccharide both inwards quantity together with value. 3.   Eg: Mass, book etc

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Chemical Component Subdivision In Addition To Compound

Element It is a pure inwardness that cannot endure farther changed into a simpler form Hydrogen, oxygen, helium etc are examples Compound Is a inwardness formed yesteryear the combination of ii or to a greater extent than elements inwards a definite in addition to reproducible way. Water (H2O) is an instance where chemical component subdivision Hydrogen in addition to oxygen are combined inwards the ratio 2:1.

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Homogeneous Mixture In Addition To Heterogeneous Mixture

Mixture is the combination of 2 or to a greater extent than pure substances where each kernel retains its ain identity.  It is collection of different particles that volition non undergo a chemic reaction. A mixture has variable combinations Example: alcohol-water mixture, both co-exist together. A mixture tin move either homogeneous or heterogeneous    Homogeneous Mixture vs Heterogeneous Mixture Homogeneous mixture 1. It has uniform composition 2. The particles are uniformly distributed Example of  Homogeneous mixture : alcohol-water mixture nosotros telephone phone this homogeneous mixture equally a solution, Sugar in addition to water, Air is a homogeneous mixture of gases Heterogeneous mixture 1. It has a non-uniform composition 2. Particles involved are non uniformly distributed Example of  Heterogeneous mixture : body of body of water water, concrete, a mixture of common salt H2O in addition to sand. Learn more: Elements, Compounds vs Mixtures

Mr Ten 8 Differences Betwixt Volume In Addition To Weight

Mass of a torso is the quantity of thing contained inward a body.  Weight of a torso is the strength amongst which the torso is attracted towards the centre of the earth. Mass vs Weight Mass 1. Refers to the quantity of thing inward an object. 2. Mass is independent of gravity. 3. It is the termination of comparing of an unknown majority amongst a known majority called touchstone mass. 4. Mass is an extensive property. The primal unit of measurement of majority inward the metric organisation is gram. 5. It is measured inward kg inward SI units. 6. Mass resists motion. 7. It is a scalar quantity. 8. It is measured amongst the aid of physical balance Weight 1. Is the strength of gravity on an object. Weight = Mass X Acceleration due to gravity 2. Weight is theme of gravity. 3. Gravity is non constant throughout the earth. So weight may vary from 1 house to the other. 4. When gravity is constant, majority is straight proportional to weight.       Mass α wei

Mr 10 Deviation Betwixt Rapd As Well As Rflp

RAPD (  Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) Definition: If primers alongside arbitrary sequences are used for amplification, deoxyribonucleic acid segments to travel amplified volition travel selected at random as well as this provides genuinely random sample of deoxyribonucleic acid markers as well as then is described equally random amplified polymorphic deoxyribonucleic acid (RAPD). RFLP : Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Definition: It  refers to the variation inwards restriction fragment lengths betwixt individuals of a species when cutting yesteryear a restriction enzyme. RAPD (  Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) 1. Quantity of deoxyribonucleic acid required for analysis is modest (10-50 ng) 2. Same primers alongside arbitrary sequence tin rank the axe travel used for dissimilar species 3. Fewer steps inwards physical care for thus it is rapid (Five times quicker than RFLP) 4. Technique comparatively less reliable 5. Cannot honour allelic variants

Mr 10 Deviation Betwixt Prokaryotic Together With Eukaryotic Dna Replication

DNA replication occurs during south stage of jail mobile telephone cycle. It is multistep complex procedure which requires over a dozen enzymes in addition to proteins. DNA replication inwards Prokaryotes 1. It occurs within the cytoplasm 2. There is entirely ane source of replication per deoxyribonucleic acid molecule 3. Origin of replication is formed of nigh 100-200 or to a greater extent than nucleotides 4. Replication of deoxyribonucleic acid occurs at ane indicate inwards each prokaryotic deoxyribonucleic acid molecule 5. Only 2 replication fork is formed inwards each replicating prokaryotic chromosome ,  as deoxyribonucleic acid replication is bidirectional 6. Prokaryotic chromosome has ane replicon 7. One replication bubble is formed during deoxyribonucleic acid replication  8. Initiation of deoxyribonucleic acid replication inwards prokaryotes is carried out past times poly peptide DnaA in addition to DnaB 9. deoxyribonucleic acid gyrase is need

Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Virus Together With Viroid

Virus  is an obligate intracellular parasite which tin reproduce solely yesteryear invading in addition to taking over other cells equally they lack the cellular mechanism for self reproduction. Viroids are subviral, smallest known agents of infectious disease. The term viroid was coined yesteryear T.O. Diener (1971) to depict the causal agent of the Irish Gaelic patato spindle tuber illness (PSTV). There are approximately 25 viroids which vary inward nucleotide sequence. Viroids are spread yesteryear found propagation (cuttings in addition to tubers) through seeds in addition to yesteryear manual mishandling amongst contaminated implements Virus vs Viroid Virus 1. It is a nucleoprotein particle   2. Nucleic acid tin hold out deoxyribonucleic acid or RNA   3. H5N1 poly peptide roofing or coat called capsid is present  around the genetic material 4. Virus has a larger size.   5. Virus infects all types of organisms Viroid 1. It is an infec

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Lysogenic Stage In Addition To Lytic Phase

The multiplication procedure of temperate phage is called Lysogenic cycle in addition to the multiplication of virulent phage is called lytic cycle . Lysogenic vs Lytic phase Lysogenic vs Lytic phase Lysogenic phase 1. The viral genome or its complementary deoxyribonucleic acid gets integrated amongst the host DNA. It is called prophage or provirus. 2. The host deoxyribonucleic acid is non hydrolysed during lysogenic phase 3. The prophage or provirus replicates alone i time along amongst the replication of host genome in addition to hence that a unmarried particle is transferred to a miss cell. 4. The cellular mechanism of the host is alone slightly disturbed. 5. The virus is non virulent or temperate. 6. The host jail cellular telephone does non larn lysed. 7. Virus particles are liberated alone rarely. Lytic phase 1. The viral genome does non integrate amongst host DNA. 2. The host deoxyribonucleic acid is ofttimes hydrolysed inwards the ly

Mr 10 Deviation Betwixt Respiration Too Photosynthesis

Respiration   is a complex procedure which includes absorption of oxygen, conversion of complex essence to carbon dioxide in addition to water, set out of liberate energy in addition to every 2nd a trial at that topographic point is loss of weight. Where every 2nd in  photosynthesis  complex carbohydrates are built upwardly from simpler substances similar carbon dioxide in addition to H2O alongside the set out of oxygen. Thus respiration is altogether a contrary procedure of photosynthesis. Respiration vs Photosynthesis Respiration Photosynthesis  It takes house inwards all the living cells, both green(Chlorophyllated) in addition to not green  It takes house exclusively inwards chlorophyllous cells  It occurs inwards low-cal in addition to dark, both conditions  It occurs exclusively inwards light Glycolysis: inwards cytoplasm Citric acid cycle or Krebs cycle: mitochondrial matrix Electron carry chain in addi

Mr Ten Deviation Betwixt Enzymes Too Hormones

Enzymes are biological catalysts which speed upward the the charge per unit of measurement of biochemical reactions without undergoing whatever change.  Hormones:  A molecule, ordinarily a peptide (eg: insulin) or steroid (eg: estrogen), that is produced inward i component subdivision of an organism too triggers a specific cellular reaction inward target tissues too organs some distance away. Enzymes too Hormones Enzymes 1. All enzymes are by too large proteins. There are some exceptions similar ribozymes (RNA alongside catalytic activity) 2. Mostly enzymes perform reactions at the house of root i.e. inward cells where they are produced. 3.  Enzymes are non translocted from i component subdivision to some other component subdivision of the cell.  4. Enzymes are biological catalysts. They catalyze the biological reactions 5.  As enzymes are catalysts, at the terminate of reaction they stay unchanged too tin move reutilized Hormones 1. T

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Respiration Together With Combustion (Burning)

Respiration  is the virtually of import procedure of gaseous exchange, where O2 is taken inwards together with CO2 is liberated exterior inwards all the living beings. Hackett (1959) called respiration ‘life alongside air’. According to him, respiration is a complex procedure which includes next processes. a) Oxidation together with fragmentation of organic compounds b) Transfer of electrons which ultimately shape H2O past times the spousal human relationship of hydrogen together with oxygen. c) Liberation of issue energy which is utilized in diverse physiological  process Combustion or Burning : It is the sequence of exothermic chemic reactions betwixt a fuel together with an oxidant accompanied past times the production of oestrus together with conversion of chemic species. The issue of oestrus tin bathroom create calorie-free inwards the shape of either glowing or a flame. Lavoisier demonstrated that respiration is a combustion procedure inwards which the iss