Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Dry Out As Well As Spider Web Lab
Dry lab (computer assisted analysis) 1. Dry lab or dry out laboratories are laboratories where computers or figurer generated models are used for analysis. 2. It refers to the operate of computers or figurer generated models in analyzing a biological information 3. Specifically refers to figurer analysis by as well as large inwards an offline mode Example: Use of about downloadable biological software for biological information analysis Web lab (web based analysis) 1. Web lab or Web laboratories are laboratories that involves spider web based analysis of biological information 2. It refers to the operate of online figurer programs or software 3. Specifically refers to spider web based analysis of biological information Example: Use of online tool BLAST* for nucleotide sequence comparing *Basic local alignment search tool (BLAST): is an online nucleotide or poly peptide sequence comparing as well as analysis tool provided past times NCBI (Natio...