Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Natural As Well As Artificial Ecosystem

Ecosystem tin post away last defined equally a structural too functional unit of measurement of biosphere including both organisms too abiotic environment, influencing the properties of each other too both necessary for the maintenance of life.

The term  ‘ecosystem’ was proposed yesteryear Arthur Tansley
 Ecosystem tin post away last defined equally a structural too functional unit of measurement of biosphere including both  MR X Difference betwixt Natural too Artificial ecosystem

Natural ecosystem

(imagine a woods ecosystem)

1. Consists of many species of plants too animals

2. Genetic diverseness is real high

3. The sunlight is the reveal energy origin for autotrophs too this reveal energy drives all biological cycles

4. Food chains are long too complex

5. Ecological succession takes house inward a natural ecosystem over the catamenia of fourth dimension

6. Natural food cycling ensures maximum too efficient cycling of nutrients

7. Productivity is extremely variable too depends on the environment. In tropical rainforest productivity is real high, but inward deserts productivity is real depression

8. High sustainability or naturally sustainable

Agricultural or artificial ecosystem

 Ecosystem tin post away last defined equally a structural too functional unit of measurement of biosphere including both  MR X Difference betwixt Natural too Artificial ecosystem
(imagine a paddy field)

1. Consists of a major crop found (monoculture). Other species some are called weeds too farmer uses chemicals to destroy weeds.

2. Genetic diverseness is real depression too other found species are removed yesteryear using weedicides

3. The sunlight is the ultimate reveal energy origin for autotrophs or crops but artificial fertilizers, manures too other nutrients are externally supplied to the soil.

4. Simple too oft incomplete equally other species are killed equally pests or weeds

5. No ecological succession

6. Incomplete food cycling. Harvesting of the crops removes large sum of nutrients from the reason making the reason less fertile each time.

7. Designed for high Productivity

8. Unsustainable equally bulk of fertilizers are from fossil fuels which are non-renewable too farther adds to H2O pollution, bio magnification too other ecological disturbances.


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