Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Homogeneous Mixture In Addition To Heterogeneous Mixture

Mixture is the combination of 2 or to a greater extent than pure substances where each kernel retains its ain identity. It is collection of different particles that volition non undergo a chemic reaction.

A mixture has variable combinations
Example: alcohol-water mixture, both co-exist together.

A mixture tin move either homogeneous or heterogeneous
 Mixture is the combination of 2 or to a greater extent than pure substances where each kernel retains its MR X Difference betwixt Homogeneous mixture in addition to Heterogeneous mixture
 Homogeneous Mixture vs Heterogeneous Mixture
Homogeneous mixture

1. It has uniform composition

2. The particles are uniformly distributed

Example of Homogeneous mixture: alcohol-water mixture nosotros telephone phone this homogeneous mixture equally a solution, Sugar in addition to water, Air is a homogeneous mixture of gases

Heterogeneous mixture

1. It has a non-uniform composition

2. Particles involved are non uniformly distributed

Example of Heterogeneous mixture: body of body of water water, concrete, a mixture of common salt H2O in addition to sand.
Learn more: Elements, Compounds vs Mixtures


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