
Showing posts from February, 2019

Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Truthful In Addition To Fake Indusium

Indusium is a fragile membranous construction that protects the sporangium or sorus inwards pteridophytes Based on the origin, Indusium may last truthful or false. True indusium: In the figure, corporation red circle – True indusium 1. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 fragile membranous construction arises from the lower side in addition to covers the sorus of sporangia (refer figure) 2. Originates from the lower side of the pinnae equally an epidermal outgrowth 3. Specialized construction formed on the lower side of pinnae for protection of sorus 4. Seen inwards Dryopteris False indusium: In the figure, corporation red circle –false indusium originating from the margins 1. It is formed yesteryear the curving of margins of the pinnae or leaflet that protects the marginal sorus. 2. Originates from the upper side of the pinnae. 3. Formed yesteryear the curving of margins of pinnae. 4.  Seen inwards Pteris, Adiantum

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Autosomal As Well As Sexual Activity Chromosomal Disorders

Chromosomal disorders: These genetic disorders are caused due to absence or excess or abnormal organisation of 1 or to a greater extent than chromosomes. These are noninheritable together with pedigree analysis of a household unit of measurement does non help inwards tracing the blueprint of inheritance of such chromosomal disorders. These are 2 types: abnormalities due to aneuploidy together with aberrations either inwards autosomes or inwards sexual practice chromosomes.   Autosomal vs Sex chromosomal disorders Autosomal disorders : 1. These arise past times cistron mutations inwards autosomal chromosomes. 2. These disorders touching on both the sexes, i.e., males together with females. 3. The mutated cistron may last dominant / recessive. 4. The endure is homozygous or heterozygous, e.g., Down’s syndrome , Huntington's disease ’s chorea, sickle jail cellular telephone anemia , alkaptonuria. Sex chromosomal disorders : 1. These arise past times cistron mutation inw

Mr 10 Deviation Betwixt Lock In Addition To Primal Hypothesis In Addition To Induced Gibe Hypothesis

There are ii views regarding the vogue of activity of enzymes: Lock in addition to Key hypothesis (theory) Induced correspond hypothesis (theory). Lock in addition to Key Theory: Emil Fisher proposed this hypothesis inwards 1894. According to this hypothesis the active site of the enzyme is similar a ‘lock’ into which substrate fits similar a ‘key’.i.e., the shape of the active site in addition to the substrate molecules are complementary . So the enzyme molecule holds the substrate, molecule closed together, forming the unusable intermediate compound, the enzyme substrate complex. It dissociates to shape enzyme in addition to products. Induced Fit Theory: Daniel E.Koshland formulated this hypothesis inwards 1959. According to this hypothesis the active site does non convey a stiff ‘lock in addition to key’ conformation. The binding of the substrate molecule to the enzyme molecule induces to modify the shape of the active site in addition to thence that it becomes compleme

Mr 10 Deviation Betwixt Hepatitis A, B Together With C

Viral hepatitis is ordinarily called jaundice. There are 5 varieties of hepatitis are known: Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis D as well as Hepatitis E. The symptoms inward early on stage include: fever, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, epigastric discomfort, pains inward muscles as well as joints. In early on stage the liver is enlarged as well as congested. In afterwards stage the liver becomes smaller, yellowish or greenish. Hepatitis A Name of virus: HAV Nucleic acid introduce inward virus: RNA Mode of spread: Faecal, oral Incubation catamenia inward Days: 15-45 Chronic hepatitis: none Hepatocellular carcinoma (Liver cancer): No Year of Identification: 1973 Hepatitis B Name of virus: HBV Nucleic acid introduce inward virus: deoxyribonucleic acid Mode of spread: Parenteral; unopen personal contact die chronic Incubation catamenia inward Days: 30-180 Chronic hepatitis: Yes close 40-60% Hepatocellular carcinoma (Liver cancer): Yes Year of Identific

Mr Ten Departure Betwixt Monocot Together With Dicot Leaf

Monocot Leaf vs Dicot Leaf   Monocot Leaf Symmetry: Isobilateral Stomata distribution: Amphistomatic i.e., stomata as distributed on both the surfaces. Bulliform cells: Present on upper epidermis. Mesophyll: Only spongy parenchyma is introduce which has really pocket-size intercellular spaces. Bundle sheath: Made of parenchyma but simply inward a higher house together with below the vascular bundles are constitute sclerenchymatous cells (upto epidermis) Dicot Leaf Symmetry: Dorsiventral Stomata distribution: Hypostomatic i.e., stomata introduce on lower surface of leaf. Bulliform cells: Usually absent. Mesophyll: Made upwards of 2 types of tissues: Palisade parenchyma together with spongy parenchyma amongst large intercellular spaces. Bundle sheath: Made upwards of parenchyma. Just inward a higher house together with below the vascular package about parenchymatous cells or collenchymatous cells are introduce upwards to epidermis.

Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Liverworts In Addition To Mosses

Bryophyta, stand upwards for a grouping of plants that includes liverworts, hornworts in addition to mosses growing predominantly inward amphibious environment. Liverworts, generally  they convey dark-green dichotomously branched or lobed thalli. They are attached to the substratum past times sparse rhizoids. Moss constitute consists of an erect stalk similar construction amongst dark-green foliage similar out increment arranged spirally. They are attached to the substratum past times their origin similar rhizoids. Liverworts vs Moss Liverworts 1. The gametophytic constitute trunk may live on thallose or foliose 2. On the ventral surface of the thallus unicellular rhizoids in addition to uncomplicated multicellular scales are present. 3. Sex organs are introduce on dorsal surface of the thallus in addition to prepare from superficial cells. 4. Elaters are to a greater extent than oftentimes than non present, but absent inward Riccia. 5. Stomata in addition to chlorophyll

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Prokaryotic Together With Eukaryotic Dna

deoxyribonucleic acid is a genetic cloth which carries all the hereditary data needed for the evolution in addition to beingness of an organism.  In prokaryotes, deoxyribonucleic acid lies inward cytoplasm. It is supercoiled amongst the helps of RNAs in addition to nonhistone basic proteins similar polyamines. In eukaryotes it is constitute mainly inward the chromosomes   inward the course of pedagogy of nucleoproteins. It is too constitute inward the cytoplasmic organelles similar mitochondria, chloroplast etc. Prokaryotic deoxyribonucleic acid vs Eukaryotic DNA Prokaryotic DNA 1. deoxyribonucleic acid content is small, less 0.1 pg 2. deoxyribonucleic acid occurs freely within the cytoplasm. 3. Organelle deoxyribonucleic acid is absent. 4. It is naked. 5. deoxyribonucleic acid is to a greater extent than oftentimes than non circular 6. Introns are absent. 7. Nonfunctional regions are fewer 8.Transposons produce non occur. Eukaryotic DNA 1. deoxyribonucleic acid conte

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Somatostatin As Well As Somatotrophin

Somatostatin 1. It is secreted yesteryear hypothalamus 2. It is a increase inhibiting hormone, equally it inhibits the secretion of somatotrophin or increase hormone. 3. It acts over the secretion of the endocrine gland. Thus it is  non a systemic hormone. 4. It is likewise produced yesteryear about pancreatic cells as well as digestive cells. Somatotrophin 1. It is secreted yesteryear anterior lobe of pituitary gland 2. It is a increase stimulating hormone 3. It acts over all trunk tissues promoting growth. Thus it is a systemic hormone. 4. It is exclusively secreted yesteryear anterior lobe of pituitary gland.

Mr Ten Divergence Betwixt Vasopressin Together With Oxytocin

Vasopressin and  Oxytocin are neurohormones produced past times the neuro secretory cells of hypothalamus accomplish the pituitary through the axon terminals of the secretory neurons equally secretory granules jump to neurophysin proteins. Vasopressin or Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) : This hormone has 2 primary functions. it stimulates the reabsorption of H2O inward the distal convoluted tubules, collecting tubules too collecting ducts inward the kidneys too decreases the loss of H2O past times reducing urine secretion. It stimulates the contraction of shine muscles of the blood vessels too thus increases the blood pressure, thence its get upward vasopressin. Deficiency of ADH reduces reabsorption of H2O too increment urine output, causing excessive thirst. This disorder is called diabetes insipidus . No glucose is lost inward the urine of such a patient. Oxytocin (Pitocin): It is released inward the blood when the hypothalamic neurons are stimulated past times widening o

Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Fsh Too Lh

FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) or Gametokinetic factor: In males , stimulates spermatogenesis. In females, stimulates increase of ovarian follicles together with secretion of estrogen.  LH (Luteinsing Hormone) or Interstitial Cell Stimulating Hormone: In females, together alongside FSH, it triggers ovulation, stimulates conversion of ovarian follicles into corpus luteum together with secretion of progesterone inwards females.It helps inwards maintaining pregnancy past times controlling estrogen together with progesterone. FSH  vs LH FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) 1. It controls the evolution of primary sexual activity organs. 2. It create gamete formation inwards primary sexual activity organs. 3. It stimulates the secretion of estrogen past times growing graafian follicle. 4. It controls thee commencement one-half of ovarian or menstrual cycle. 5. The hormone does non convey whatsoever major share inwards ovulation. 6. It does non assistance inwards the

Mr Ten Departure Betwixt Glucocorticoids Too Mineralocorticoids

Adrenal cortex secretes over xx unlike steroid hormones called cortical steroids or corticosteroids. They are of 3 types: mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids together with sexual practice corticoids. Glucocorticoids vs Mineralocoticoids Glucocorticoids: Hormones include cortisol, cortisone together with cortisterone. 1. Secreted yesteryear Zona fasciculata of Adrenal cortex. 2. Secretion of glucocorticoids is nether command of ACTH of andenohypophysis. 3. The hormone command carbohydrate, fatty an poly peptide metabolism. 4.They get gluconeogenesis. 5. They are anti inflammtory together with antiallergic 6. They are helpful inwards repairing injury together with managing stress. 7. They boring pain. Mineralocoticoids: Two mutual mineralocorticoids are aldosterone together with deoxycorticosterone. 1. Secreted yesteryear Zona glomerulosa of Adrenal cortex. 2. Secretion of mineralocorticoids is nether command of renin angiotensin system. 3. They command el

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Erythrocytes Too Leucocytes (Rbc Vs Wbc)

Blood is the original circulatory medium inwards the human body. The blood consists of 2 principal components: the fluid plasma in addition to blood cells or corpuscles which are works life suspended. Nearly 45% book of blood consists of corpuscles or blood cells.  These are of dissimilar types: the erythrocytes or cherry-red cells containing hemoglobin; the leucocytes or white cells having no hemoglobin, in addition to the thrombocytes inwards mammals only. These are essential for proper surgical operation of the body. Erythrocytes vs Leucocytes Erythrocytes (Red Blood Corpuscles or RBCs) 1. They are cherry-red coloured blood corpules. 2. Number: 4.5-5.5 million/mm3 3. shape in addition to size: Circular in addition to bioconcave, 7-8 mm 4. They are nonmotile 5. Erythrocytes seldom exit blood vessels. 6. Most of the jail cellular telephone organelles are absent. Nucleus is absent. 7. They comprise hemoglobin. 8. They may degree stacks called rouleaux. 9

Mr Ten Departure Betwixt Prokaryotic In Addition To Eukaryotic Flagella

Flagella in addition to Cilia are fine vibratile pilus similar membrane covered protoplasmic outgrowths that live on on on the gratis surface of the cells in addition to accept business office inwards producing a electrical flow inwards fluid medium for passage of materials in addition to locomotion. Flagella are longer but fewer(generally 1-4). Flagella occur  inwards grouping flagellate or protozoan protistans, euglenoids, dinoflagellates, choanocytes of sponges, gastrodermal cells of coelenterates, sperms of fauna bryophytes in addition to several pteridophytes, zoospores in addition to gametes of several algae in addition to primitive fungi. Prokaryotic Flagella vs Eukaryotic Flagella Prokaryotic Flagella Eukaryotic Flagella They are unmarried stranded They are xi stranded A roofing membraneous sheath is absent. Flagella are covered past times sheath derived from plasmalemma. The size is smaller. The size is larger. They are narrower. They are thicker.

Mr Ten Departure Betwixt Spermatogenesis Together With Oogenesis

The primary sexual practice organs: the testis inwards the males together with the ovaries inwards the woman individual attain gametes, i.e., sperms together with ovum, respectively, past times the procedure called gametogenesis. Gametogenesis  for the formation of sperms is termed  spermatogenesis, piece that of ova is called oogenesis. Both spermatogenesis together with oogenesis are accomplished inwards 3 phases: multiplication phase, growth stage together with maturation phase. Multiplication phase: Here multiplication of the germ cells occurs through mitosis then equally to increase their number. Growth phase: The germ cells increase inwards size Maturation phase: Germ cells undergo meiosis to attain haploid gametes. Spermatogenesis: It is the procedure of formation of haploid spermatozoa (sperms) from diploid spermatogonia within the testes of the male. It occurs inwards the seminiferous tubules of the testes. Oogenesis: It is the procedure of fo

Mr Ten Deviation Betwixt Monocot Together With Dicot Embryo

The zygote developed within the embryo sac divides mitotically to flat the embryo. In monocot embryo entirely ane cotyledon in addition to a original axis are present. The cotyledon is introduce at the tip of the axis in addition to the plumule is on its lateral side. Embryo is curved. In dicot embryo has an axis in addition to the 2 cotyledons are on either side inward contrary direction. At the tip of the axis, the apical bud is introduce in addition to at the base of operations of the axis the rootage tip is present. The plumule develops into shoot organisation in addition to radical into root system . Monocot Embryo vs Dicot Embryo Monocot Embryo 1. Only ane cotyledon attached to the embryonal axis. 2. Plumule is latral. 3. H5N1 unmarried cotyledon occupies in conclusion position. 4. The envelope of plumule is called coleoptile. 5. Coleorrhiza is a protective sheath of radicle. 6. Suspensor comparatively larger. 7. H5N1 unmarried cotyledon called scutellum is present.

Mr Ten Departure Betwixt Xylem Together With Phloem (Xylem Vs Phloem)

The principal type of complex tissues are xylem in addition to Phloem. Xylem is complex tissue in addition to is likewise called Hydrome. This is responsible for the conduction of H2O inwards the plant. Cells of xylem are heterogenous inwards construction in addition to function. Tracheids, vessels(tracheary elements), fibres in addition to parenchyma are grouped together inwards xylem. Phloem is nutrient conducting tissue. It is complex tissue, amongst sieve elements, companion cells, fibres in addition to parenchyma. Xylem vs Phloem Xylem 1. Xylem is normally constitute deep inwards the plant 2. It conducts H2O or sap 3. In older plants, xylem oft constitutes mass of the flora body. 4. The conducting or tracheary cells are dead. 5. Xylem is made upwards of iii types of dead cells (vessels, tracheids, xylem fibres) 6. There is ane type of living cells (xylem parenchyma) 7. The conducting cells convey lignin thickening inwards the wall. 8. Conducting elements are of 2

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Adrenal Cortex In Addition To Adrenal Medulla

Adrenal glands are paired structures located on the overstep of the kidneys.  Each adrenal gland has 2 parts: external adrenal cortex together with internal adrenal medulla. Adrenal cortex shows 3 concentric zones: zone glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, together with zona reticularis. Adrenal medulla consists of rounded groups of relatively large together with granular cells called chromaffin cells. Adrenal  Cortex vs Adrenal  Medulla Adrenal  Cortex 1. It is outer describe of piece of job solid part of the adrenal gland 2. It forms nigh 75% part of the gland. 3. It is enclosed past times a fibrous capsule. 4. It develops from the mesoderm. 5. It comprises 3 regions or zones a) Outer sparse zona glomerulosa b)middle thick zona fasciculata together with c) inner sparse zona reticularis. 6. It is essential for life. Its devastation causes death. 7. It is stimulated to loose its hormones past times ACTH (Addrenocorticotrophic hormone) from the anterior lobe of pituitary gland.

Mr Ten Deviation Betwixt Active Together With Passive Immunity

Immunity is defined every bit the body’s mightiness to destroy pathogens or other unusual materials too to foreclose farther cases of certainly infectious diseases. The dissimilar types of immunity or defence forcefulness mechanism: Innate immunity too Adaptive or Acquired Immunity. Innate immunity is inherited past times the organisms from the parents too protects it from nativity throughout life. It is too known every bit innate or natural or familial or genetic immunity. It is of 2 types external (first trouble of defence) too internal ( second trouble of defence ). Acquired immunity  is too known every bit specific defence forcefulness machinery or 3rd trouble of defence. It is of 2 types: natural or active too artificial or passive. Active immunity is produced past times clonal alternative too expansion. Passive immunity occurs when antibodies produced artificially are injected into a individual to counteract antigens such every bit serpent venom, rabies, tetanus toxin to

Mr Ten Departure Betwixt Principal Together With Secondary Succession

Ecological succession or biotic succession is the natural evolution of a serial of biotic communities at the same site, i afterwards the other till a climax community develops which is a to a greater extent than or less stable community that is inwards perfect harmony amongst the environs of the area.  It is of ii types: Primary in addition to Secondary succession. Primary succession is a biotic succession which occurs on lifeless unoccupied areas e.g., newly exposed barren rock, newly formed sand dunes, newly created pond or reservoir. Example: Lithosere (A xerosere on rock), Hydrosere Secondary succession  is the succession of communities inwards a previously inhabited expanse which stimulate got been naturally or artificially disturbed. Here soil in addition to around organisms are already present. e.g., cutting over forest, abandoned crop land, ploughed fields in addition to lands that stimulate got been flooded. Primary vs Secondary Succession Primary Successio

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Bentham Together With Hooker’S Together With Engler Together With Prantl’S Organization Of Classification

Bentham together with Hooker jointly published a vast  operate the Genera Plantarum inwards which they arranged their species according to a system.Since this was concluding of the natural systems together with is widely accepted inwards the republic countries.   Engler together with Prantl  are names associated amongst a organization published inwards 1886.Like Benthem together with Hooker, he conceived the sentiment of providing the details of his taxonomic system.It is ofttimes claimed that this was the start of the phylogenetic systems. Engler together with Prantl’s organization is widely followed inwards Europe together with inwards sure enough parts of the United states also. Speaking broadly the next differences are noticed betwixt the systems of Engler together with Prantl together with that of Bentham together with Hooker. Benthem together with Hooker’s System vs Engler together with Prantl System of Classification Benthem together with Hooker’s System (1862-1883)

Mr Ten Deviation Betwixt Cutting Together With Layering

Cutting  as well as layering are artificial methods of vegetative propagation widely proficient yesteryear agriculturists as well as found breeders. Cutting: Many economically of import plants similar Tapioca, sugarcane etc are propagated yesteryear stalk cuttings. Most of them flat roots without whatever special treatments. Other examples include  croton, potato, Yams etc. Even origin cuttings of plants are  used for propagation inward the instance of  staff of life fruit tree, citrus, Psidium etc. These equally good boom roots easily without pre-treatment. If origin initiation is hard equally inward the instance of jack fruit tree, it tin hold upward induced yesteryear the application of hormones peculiarly auxins similar Indole acetic acid (IAA) Indole butyric acid,(IBA), Naphthalene acetic acid etc. Layering: It is a method for origin production when stalk cuttings are used for propagation. This is done for amend production of the tender roots that are produced as well

Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Striated Together With Not Striated Muscle

The tissue concerned amongst the campaign of torso parts in addition to the locomotion of animals is called musculus tissue. It is too called muscular tissue or contractile tissue. According to their structure, location, in addition to functions, musculus tissues are classified into 3 groups. They are striated muscles, non striated muscles in addition to cardiac muscles. Striated Muscle: The musculus which shows cross striations are called striated muscles or striped muscles. They are to a greater extent than oft than non attached to the bones past times tendons in addition to then called skeletal muscles. Their activity is nether the command of will. So, they are too called voluntary muscles. Non striated muscle: The musculus which present no cross striations are called non striated muscles or unstriped muscles. They await smooth, therefore are called polish muscles. Their activity of these muscles are non nether the command of the volition of the animal, then they are known

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Prokaryotic In Addition To Eukaryotic Chromosome

Chromosome  are the close meaning of all jail cellphone components. They are the carrier of genes as well as inwards that  they command hereditary as well as variation. Chromosome were start observed past times Hofmeister (1849) inwards the pollen woman raise cells of Tradescantia . But, the term chromosome was introduced past times Waldeyer (1988). There exists a abrupt distinction betwixt prokaryotic as well as eukaryotic chromosome. Prokaryotic chromosome is real uncomplicated as well as composed of a unmarried deoxyribonucleic acid molecule. Eukaryotic chromosome is highly complex amongst unlike components, namely DNA, RNA, basic proteins as well as nonbasic proteins. at that topographic point are ii kinds of eukaryotic chromosomes, namely autosomes as well as gender activity chromosomes. Autosomes acquit the genes which command somatic or non sexual characters, as well as gender activity chromosomes comprise the genes which command sexual characteristics. Prokaryotic chromos

Mr Ten Divergence Betwixt Raphides In Addition To Cystolith

Raphide   are needle shaped crystals of Calcium oxalate. Found inward Pistia, Colacasia etc. inward their petiole Cystolith : Calcium carbonate crystals  flora inward the leaves of Ficus Also flora inward members of the families of Acanthaceae, Curcurbitaceae . In Ficus leaves, these crystals are arranged inward the classify of bunch of grapes. In Momordica, double cystoliths are flora inward the epidermal cells. Cystolith are formed inward specialized cells called lithocysts inward leaves.

Mr Ten Departure Betwixt The Secondary Increase Inwards Dicot Stalk In Addition To Dicot Root

The increase inward thickness past times the action of secondary tissues is called secondary thickening. It involves stelar increase past times the action of vascular cambial band in addition to extra stelar increase past times the activity  of cork cambium. Dicot stem 1. The cambial band formed is circular inward cross department from the foremost onwards. 2. The cambial band is partially main (fascicular cambium) in addition to partially secondary (interfascicular cambium). 3. Periderm orginates from the cortical cells (extra stelar inward origin). 4. In Dicot stem, for mechanical back upwards xylem is alongside comparatively smaller vessels, greater fibers in addition to less parenchyma. 5. More total of cork is produced for protection. 6. Lenticels on periderm are real prominent. Dicot root 1. The cambial band formed is wavy inward the foremost in addition to after becomes circular. 2. The cambial band is completely secondary inward origin. 3. Periderm originates f

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Stars As Well As Planets

Stars are the celestial bodies which tin emit rut in addition to lite continuously. Every star is a huge majority of hot gases in addition to emit big flames. Stars look to twinkle at black which is a visual illusion because of the disturbances on the atmosphere. The Sun existence the cupboard star of the earth, the brilliant lite of Sun brand other stars invisible during 24-hour interval time.    The bodies which revolve to a greater extent than or less the Sun inward a surely compass are called planets. There are next 8 planets: M ercury, V enus, E arth, M ars, J upiter, S aturn, U ranus in addition to N eptune. Planets vs Stars Planets 1. Planets produce non twinkle inward the sky. 2. They convey no light. 3. They revolve to a greater extent than or less the sun. 4. Planets are pocket-size equally compared to star. Stars 1. Stars twinkle inward the sky. 2. They convey their ain light. 3. They are fixed at a point. 4. They are real big inward size.

Mr Ten Departure Betwixt Thermoplastics In Addition To Thermosetting Plastics

Plastics is easily mouldable, recycled, reused, coloured, melted, rolled into sheets or made into wires. Thermoplastics : These are the plastics which become deformed easily on heating as well as tin live bent easily. Examples: PVC as well as Polythene are used for manufacturing combs, toys, auto grills as well as diverse type of containers. Thermosetting plastics : These are the plastics which when molded once, cannot live softed past times heating. Examples: Bakelite as well as Melamine. Bakelite is a misfortunate conductor of estrus as well as light. Bakelites are used for making electrical switches, handles of diverse utensils etc. Melamine is resistant to burn as well as tin tolerate estrus ameliorate than other plastics. Melamines are used for making flooring tiles, kitchen wares as well as fabrics.

Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Kharif Crops As Well As Rabi Crops Amongst Examples

When plants of the same variety are grown together with cultivated at 1 house on a a large scale is called every bit a crop. Crops are classified on the dry reason of the seasons: Kharif together with Rabi crops. Kharif crops (Monsoon crops): The crops which are grown during the monsoon (rainy season) are called kharif crops.  Seeds of the se crops are sown inwards the laid out of the monsoon season. After maturation, these crops are harvested at the terminate of the monsoon flavor (Oct-Nov). Example: Paddy, maize, millet together with cotton fiber crops Rabi crops (Winter crops): Crops which are grown during the wintertime season(October-March) are called Rabi crops. Seeds of these crops are sown inwards the laid out of the wintertime season. After maturation of crops, they are harvested at the terminate of the wintertime flavor (April- May). Example: Wheat, Gram together with Mustard.

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Oncogene Together With Tumor Suppressor Genes

Two major classes of genes contribute to causing cancer i.e., Oncogenes together with Tumour suppressor genes. Oncogenes must live on activated to drive cancer. Tumour suppressor genes, which usually concur mitosis inwards check, must live on inactivated or removed to eliminate command of the jail mobile telephone wheel together with initiate cancer. Oncogenes are genes that usually activate during jail mobile telephone sectionalization inwards specific situations. Oncogene activation at incorrect house or fourth dimension during jail mobile telephone sectionalization may atomic number 82 to cancer. Oncogenes are non alien to the cell, they are normal, essential genes that bring undergone a mutation. In its normal non mutated state, it is called proto-oncogene, a cistron that tin live on transformed into an oncogene.   Activation of proto-oncogene to oncogene is achieved yesteryear dissimilar mechanisms similar promoter together with enhancer insertion, chromosomal translocat

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Enveloped Together With Not Enveloped Virus

Viruses are infectious intracellular obligate parasites consisting of nucleic acid (RNA or DNA) enclosed inwards a poly peptide coat called capsid In some cases, a membranous envelope may live introduce outer to the capsid Viruses are classified based on the presence or absence of this envelope unopen to the poly peptide coat 1. Enveloped viruses eg: Herpes simplex, Chickenpox virus, Influenza virus etc 2. Non-enveloped viruses eg: Adeno virus, parvovirus etc Characteristics of viral envelope Made of lipid too proteins rarely glycoprotein May live modified host plasma membrane or internal membranes Projections from the envelope are known every bit spikes or peplomers Function : attachment of the virus to the host cell. HIV virus uses its spikes for this purpose. Non enveloped viruses: 1. The outermost roofing is the capsid made upwards of proteins 2. Non enveloped viruses are to a greater extent than virulent too causes host prison theatre mobile telephone lysis

Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Sap Woods As Well As Marrow Woods (Alburnum Vs Duramen)

Sap forest is the functional, conducting component division of the forest whereas pump forest is the non functional, non conducting component division of the wood.    Definition - Sap forest too Heart wood Definition Sap wood :  Light coloured outer share of secondary forest performing the business office of conduction of sap. Sap forest is equally good known equally Alburnum Definition Heart wood : Hard too nighttime coloured primal share of secondary wood, which is unable to deport the sap. Heart forest is equally good known equally Duramen. Sap forest vs Heart forest (Alburnum vs Duramen) Sap wood 1. The outer share of the quondam trees forms the sap wood 2. It is equally good called equally alburnum 3. it is soft too non durable 4. It is lite coloured too formed of living cells 5. Vessels are non blocked past times tyloses 6. The business office of this share is conduction of H2O too nutrients too equally good storage of food Heartwood 1. The primal share of the qu

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Sieve Cells Together With Sieve Tubes (Sieve Cells Vs Sieve Tubes)

Both sieve cells too sieve tubes are constituents of phloem involved inward conduction of food Sieve cells vs  Sieve tubes Sieve cells 1. Sieve cells are elongated cells amongst tapering cease walls 2. Sieve cells convey no companion cells associated amongst it 3. In sieve cells, the sieve areas produce non aeroplane sieve plates 4. In sieve cells, the sieve areas are non good differentiated 5. Found inward pteridophytes too gymnosperms Sieve tubes 1. Sieve tubes consist of vertical cells placed i inward a higher house the other forming long tubes connected at the cease walls past times sieve pores 2. Sieve tubes convey companion cells associated amongst it 3. In sieve tubes, the sieve areas are confined to sieve plates 4. In sieve tubes, the sieve areas are good differentiated 5. Found inward angiosperms

Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Ribose Together With Ribulose

Carbohydrates are the almost abundant degree of biomolecules inward nature. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 saccharide is composed of carbon, hydrogen as well as oxygen alongside a full general formula (CH 2 O)n where ‘n’ is iii or to a greater extent than (n= no. of C atom).Chemically carbohydrates are poly hydroxyl aldehydes or ketones as well as their derivatives or equally substances that yield 1 of these compounds on hydrolysis. Both ribose as well as ribulose are monosaccharides. Monosaccharide’s or uncomplicated sugars consists of a carbon chain alongside publish of hydroxyl groups addition either an aldehyde (-CHO) or a ketone group(=C=O). Similarities betwixt Ribose as well as Ribulose 1. Both are monosaccharides or uncomplicated sugars 2. The chemic formula or composition is the same C 5 H 10 O 5 . They are structural isomers. 3. Both are pentoses (5 carbon containing sugars) 4. Both this compounds are biologically important Differences betwixt Ribose as well as Ribu