Mr Ten Departure Betwixt Spermatogenesis Together With Oogenesis

The primary sexual practice organs: the testis inwards the males together with the ovaries inwards the woman individual attain gametes, i.e., sperms together with ovum, respectively, past times the procedure called gametogenesis. Gametogenesis  for the formation of sperms is termed  spermatogenesis, piece that of ova is called oogenesis. Both spermatogenesis together with oogenesis are accomplished inwards 3 phases: multiplication phase, growth stage together with maturation phase.
  • Multiplication phase: Here multiplication of the germ cells occurs through mitosis then equally to increase their number.
  • Growth phase: The germ cells increase inwards size
  • Maturation phase: Germ cells undergo meiosis to attain haploid gametes.
Spermatogenesis: It is the procedure of formation of haploid spermatozoa (sperms) from diploid spermatogonia within the testes of the male. It occurs inwards the seminiferous tubules of the testes.
Oogenesis: It is the procedure of formation of functional haploid ova from the diploid germinal cells inwards the ovary.
Spermatogenesis vs Oogenesis
 the testis inwards the males together with the ovaries inwards the woman individual attain gametes MR X Difference betwixt Spermatogenesis together with Oogenesis
1. It occurs within testis
2. All stages are completed within testis.
3. It is a continuous process.
4. Spermatogonia prepare from germinal epithelium lining the seminiferous tubules.
5. Some cells of the germinal epithelium share equally back upwards , besides called sertoli cells.
6. All the spermatogonia dissever to variety spermatocytes.
7. Growth stage is short.
8. Primary spermatocyte divides past times meiosis I to variety 2 secondary spermatocytes.
9. Secondary spermatocyte divides past times meiosis II to attain 2 spermatids.
10. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 spermatocyte forms 4 spermatozoa.
11. Sperms are smaller than spermatocytes.
12. Nucleus undergoes condensation inwards the sperm.
13. Reserve nutrient is picayune inwards the sperms.
14.It produces motile manlike individual gametes.
1. It occurs within ovary.
2. Major share of oogenesis occurs within ovary but end stages occur within oviduct.
3. It is discontinuous procedure amongst early on stages taking house inwards foetus together with the residue afterwards inwards life.
4. Oogonia prepare from germinal epithelium overlying the ovary.
5. There is no such differentiation.
6. Only around oogoinia seat rising to oocytes.
7. Growth stage is prolonged.
8. Primary oocyte undergoes meiosis I to variety ane secondary oocyte together with ane polar body
9. Secondary oocyte divides past times meiosis II to variety ane ovum together with ane polar body.
10. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 oocyte forms alone ane egg or ovum.
11. Eggs are larger than oocytes.
12. Nucleus remains uncondensed inwards the ovum.
13. Ovum collects a lot of reserve nutrient together with other biochemicals.
14. It forms not motile woman individual gametes.


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