Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Enveloped Together With Not Enveloped Virus

Viruses are infectious intracellular obligate parasites consisting of nucleic acid (RNA or DNA) enclosed inwards a poly peptide coat called capsid
In some cases, a membranous envelope may live introduce outer to the capsid
Viruses are classified based on the presence or absence of this envelope unopen to the poly peptide coat
1. Enveloped viruses eg: Herpes simplex, Chickenpox virus, Influenza virus etc
2. Non-enveloped viruses eg: Adeno virus, parvovirus etc
Characteristics of viral envelope
  • Made of lipid too proteins rarely glycoprotein
  • May live modified host plasma membrane or internal membranes
  • Projections from the envelope are known every bit spikes or peplomers
Function: attachment of the virus to the host cell.
  • HIV virus uses its spikes for this purpose.
Non enveloped viruses:
 Viruses are infectious intracellular obligate parasites consisting of nucleic acid  MR X Difference betwixt Enveloped too Non enveloped Virus
1. The outermost roofing is the capsid made upwards of proteins
2. Non enveloped viruses are to a greater extent than virulent too causes host prison theatre mobile telephone lysis
3. These viruses are resistant to heat, acids, too drying
4. It tin live within gastrointestinal tract
5. It tin retain its infectivity fifty-fifty afterward drying
6. It volition receive antibody production inwards the host
7. Mode of transmission is through fecal or oral matter, formites too dust
Enveloped viruses
 Viruses are infectious intracellular obligate parasites consisting of nucleic acid  MR X Difference betwixt Enveloped too Non enveloped Virus
1. The outermost envelope is made upwards of phospholipids, proteins or glycoprotein which surroundings the capsid
2. Enveloped viruses are less virulent oftentimes released yesteryear budding too rarely drive host prison theatre mobile telephone lysis
3. Are sensitive to heat, acids, too drying
4. Generally it cannot live within gastrointestinal tract
5. It lose its infectivity on drying
6. It volition receive both prison theatre mobile telephone mediated too antibody mediated immune reply inwards the host
7. Mode of transmission is through blood or organ transplants or through secretions


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