Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Striated Together With Not Striated Muscle

The tissue concerned amongst the campaign of torso parts in addition to the locomotion of animals is called musculus tissue. It is too called muscular tissue or contractile tissue. According to their structure, location, in addition to functions, musculus tissues are classified into 3 groups. They are striated muscles, non striated muscles in addition to cardiac muscles.
Striated Muscle: The musculus which shows cross striations are called striated muscles or striped muscles. They are to a greater extent than oft than non attached to the bones past times tendons in addition to then called skeletal muscles. Their activity is nether the command of will. So, they are too called voluntary muscles.
 The tissue concerned amongst the campaign of torso parts in addition to the locomotion of animals is cal MR X Difference betwixt Striated in addition to Non Striated Muscle
Non striated muscle: The musculus which present no cross striations are called non striated muscles or unstriped muscles. They await smooth, therefore are called polish muscles. Their activity of these muscles are non nether the command of the volition of the animal, then they are known equally involuntary muscles. These muscles are seen inwards hollow internal organs (viscera) such equally stomach, intestine, blood vessels, urinary bladder, uterus etc.
Striated vs Non Striated Muscle
Striated Muscle
1. Striations present.
2. It is voluntary inwards action
3. The musculus fibres are long in addition to cylindrical amongst blunt ends.
4. The fibres are multinucleated.
5.Sarcoplasmic reticulum is good developed.
6. Sarcomeres present.
7. Numerous mitochondria in addition to glycogen granules are present
8. Striated musculus is seen attached to skeleton.
Example: Biceps muscle
Non Striated Muscle
1. Striations absent.
2. It is involuntary inwards action
3. The musculus fibres are long spindle shaped amongst pointed ends.
4. The fibres are uninucleated.
5. Sarcoplasmic reticulum is poorly developed.
6. Sarcomeres absent.
7. Less mitochondria in addition to glycogen granules are present.
8. Non striated musculus is seen inwards internal organs.
Example: Intestinal muscles.
Read more: Difference betwixt Striated in addition to Cardiac muscle


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