Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Angiosperms Together With Pteridophytes

Pteridophytes p(Gk. Pteron=feather; phyta=plants) are called equally seedless vascular cryptogams equally they correspond the get-go grouping of province plants alongside vasculature, xylem as well as phloem. Plant trunk is sporophytic differentiated into truthful roots, stalk as well as leaves. Pteridophytes are commonly called equally the “botanical snakes” equally they evolved after bryophytes (the amphibians of the found kingdom).
Example: Pteris, Adiantum

Angiosperms (Gk. Angios=closed; spermae=seeds)
Angiosperms are flowering, seed bearing vascular plants that aeroplane the largest as well as the nearly evolved grouping of found kingdom. They are truthful flowering plants where the seeds are completely enclosed within a fruit wall. The ovules are protected within the ovary which after develops into fruit.
Example: coconut, mango, rose
 are called equally seedless vascular cryptogams equally they correspond the get-go grouping of province conception MR X Difference betwixt Angiosperms as well as Pteridophytes
1. Angiosperms are adapted to broad diversity of environments (may endure mesophytes, hydrophytes, xerophytes, epiphytes etc).
    Pteridophytes are mostly terrestrial wet or shade loving plants.

2. Flowers, seeds as well as fruits are present. Therefore angiosperms are seed bearing plants.
    Flowers, seeds as well as fruits are absent. Therefore pteridophytes are spore bearing plants.

3. Angiosperms vary greatly inwards size as well as shape; may endure herb, shrub or tree.
    Pteridophytes are to a greater extent than ofttimes than non herbaceous.

4. Xylem consists of good developed vessels as well as tracheids inwards angiosperms.
    Xylem lacks truthful vessels inwards Pteridophytes.

5. In phloem, companion cells as well as sieve tubes are acquaint inwards angiosperms.
  In phloem, sieve cells are present, companion cells as well as sieve tubes are absent inwards pteridophytes.

6. In angiosperms, secondary increment is acquaint except monocots.
    Secondary increment is absent inwards pteridophytes.

7. Angiosperms are heterosporous forming virile someone as well as woman someone spores which is critical for seed habit.
 Pteridophytes are mostly homosporous. Some pteridophytes similar Selaginella is heterosporous but at that spot is no seed formation.

8. In angiosperms, stamens as well as carpels are the virile someone as well as woman someone reproductive structures which are organized to aeroplane the flower.
    In pteridophytes, antheridium as well as archegonium are the virile someone as well as the woman someone sexual activity organs.

9. In angiosperms, H2O is non essential for fertilization equally pollination is siphonogamous (via pollen     tube) as well as gametes are without flagella.
    In pteridophytes, H2O is essential for fertilization as well as virile someone gametes are ciliated.

10. In angiosperms, megasporangium is unremarkably large.
      In pteridophytes, megasporangium is unremarkably small.

11. In angiosperms, megasporangium is covered yesteryear i or to a greater extent than integuments that offers protection.
      In pteridophytes, integuments are absent.

12. In angiosperms, unremarkably a unmarried megaspore is functional inwards the entire megasporangium (ovule) as well as is retained within the magasporangium.
      In pteridophytes, many megaspores are functional as well as to a greater extent than ofttimes than non not retained inwards the                             megasporangium.

13. Tapetum is absent as well as endosperm is the nutritive tissue for the developing embryo inwards angiosperms.
      Tapetum is present, but endosperm is absent inwards pteridophytes.


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