
Showing posts from November, 2019

Mr Ten Divergence Betwixt Dicot In Addition To Monocot Root

Dicot in addition to Monocot Root Monocot source 1. Periycle produces solely lateral roots 2. Number of Xylem in addition to phloem numerous ( 8 to many) 3. Xylem vessels are oval or rounded. 4. Conjunctive tissue generally sclerenchymatous sometimes parenchymatous. 5. Pith large in addition to good developed 6. No secondary increment 7. The conjunctive tissue is sclerenchymatous in addition to thence it does non hit vascular cambium Examples: Colocasia, Musa, Maize Dicot Root   1. Pericycle hand ascension to lateral roots , cork cambium in addition to purpose of vascular cambium 2. Number of xylem in addition to phloem groups limited (2-6 or 8) 3. Xylem vessels angular or polygonal inwards transverse department 4. Conjunctive tissue parenchymatous 5. Pith absent or real small 6. Secondary increment occurs. 7. The parenchymatous conjunctive tissue forms vascular cambium Examples: Cicer, Ficus,  Gram, Pea, Limnanthemum

Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Tap Rootage Organization Together With Adventitious Rootage System

Root is an hugger-mugger cylindrical work of the constitute which develops from radical together with grows downwards into soil. It lack nodes, internodes together with buds. Tap root : The primary source that persists throughout the life of a constitute is known every bit tap root. Adventitious root : H5N1 source that develops from whatever work of a constitute except the radical or its derivatives is called adventitious root. Tap source organization together with adventitious source organization Tap source system 1. It develops from radical of the embryo 2. It has a persistent primary source known every bit tap source 3. The organization grows deep into the soil 4. The tap source organization is e'er hugger-mugger 5. There is ane psyche source called taproot together with it produces lateral branches called secondary roots these inwards plow create 3rd roots together with and then on. These tap source is thicker than others Adventitious

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Cutting Too Grafting

In several plants the seeds may non germinate due to a modify inward the climate or other environmental factors. Some other plants, may conduct keep several years to bloom too to degree seeds. Horticulturists exploit the natural methods of vegetative propagation commercially. Some of them are cutting, layering, grafting too constitute tissue culture. Cutting : It is a technique of vegetative propagation inward which a pat of stem, rootage or leafage cuttings tin survive used. The separated portions of the organs of the raise are called cuttings . Stem cuttings are virtually commonly used. Leaf cuttings are used inward horticultural plants(Begonia). Root cuttings are used for vegetative propagation inward sugariness potato, breadstuff fruit tree etc. Grafting: It is the fine art of joining parts of dissimilar plants too growing them every bit a unmarried plant. It is ordinarily proficient inward dicot plants. Mono cot produce non conduct keep cambium. So grafting is n

Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Pure Nub As Well As Mixture

Matter is anything that has volume as well as that occupies space. Matter tin live on either a pure heart as well as somebody or a mixture. Pure substance: Matter that has the same composition as well as properties throughout is called a substance. Mixture: It is the combination of ii or to a greater extent than pure substances where each heart as well as somebody retains its ain identity.   Difference betwixt Pure heart as well as somebody as well as Mixture Pure substance 1. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 pure heart as well as somebody has exclusively 1 element Eg: Pure H2O is a pure substance. It consist of exclusively H2O molecules. 2. Elements as well as compounds are both pure substances. It is collection of dissimilar  particles that volition non undergo a chemic reaction. Mixture: 1. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 mixture has variable combinations. Eg: Alcohol-water mixture, both co-exist together. 2. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 mixtur

Mr Ten Departure Betwixt Messenger Rna (Mrna) As Well As Transfer Rna (Trna)

RNA (ribo nucleic acid)  is a complex organic chemical compound inwards living cells that is concerned amongst poly peptide synthesis. RNA is the genetic cloth inwards around viruses that differs from deoxyribonucleic acid inwards having ribose inwards house of deoxyribose. Most RNA is synthesized in the nucleus too thence distributed to diverse parts of the cytoplasm . An RNA molecule consists of a long chain of nucleotides inwards which the saccharide is ribose too the bases are adenine, cytosine, guanine too uracil. Three types of RNA are-mRNA ( Messenger RNA ), rRNA ( Ribosomal RNA) , too tRNA (Transfer RNA). Messenger RNA (mRNA) is the degree of RNA molecule that serves every bit messenger betwixt genes (DNA) too poly peptide synthesis. Messenger RNA (mRNA) carries the coding instructions for polypeptide chains from deoxyribonucleic acid to the ribosome. After attaching to a ribosome, an thousand RNA molecules specific the sequence of the amino acids inward

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Molecular Pharming In Addition To Molecular Farming

These are 2 price that are usually used to get upward production of only about products inwards genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or transgenic animals. Difference betwixt Molecular pharming together with molecular farming  Molecular pharming It is defined every bit the production of active pharmaceutical substances inwards genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Plants are preferred every bit plants produce non behave pathogens. Still the security of GMO is a concern. First constitute derived pharmaceutical poly peptide is serum albumin. Molecular farming Definition: It is defined every bit the role of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) every bit a production platform for renewable raw materials, fine chemicals together with dietary supplements Note: These 2 terms are used interchangeably quite ofttimes every bit synonym.

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Passive As Well As Active Absorption

Active absorption 1. It is every bit activated unloose energy subject procedure 2.  It occurs against concentration slope together with osmotic forces 3. It is driven yesteryear metabolic or physiological forces 4. It is linked to cellular metabolism 5. It does non Pb to an equilibrium status Passive absorption 1. It is every bit spontaneous, unloose energy independent procedure 2. It occurs inwards accordance amongst concentration slope 3. It is driven yesteryear non-metabolic physical forces 4. It is non linked to cellular metabolism 5. It leads to an equilibrium condition

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Active As Well As Passive H2o Absorption

The uptake of H2O past times plants is called H2O absorption. Water is absorbed from the reason mainly through origin hairs. The absorbed H2O crosses a diversity of cells such every bit cortical cells, endodermis(passage cells),  pericycle cells too xylem tubes to accomplish the leaves. In 1949, Kramer proposed that H2O is absorbed past times 2 mechanisms. They are a) Active absorption b) Passive absorption Active absorption: When the roots absorb H2O past times their ain efforts, it is known every bit active absorption. It takes house when transpiration is depression too the quantity of H2O inward the reason is high.In this procedure the origin cells play active purpose inward the absorption of water. Passive absorption: According to passive absorption , the origin pilus cells create non play whatever active purpose inward the absorption of water. The origin pilus cells rest passive during absorption of water. It takes place, when charge per unit of measurement of tra

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Chlorophyll A Together With Chlorophyll B

Chlorophylls are greenish pigments acquaint inwards the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts . There are several kinds of chlorophylls namely chlorophyll a,b,c,d as well as e; bacteriochlorophyll a,b,c,d as well as e as well as bacterioviridin. Chl a as well as b are the 2 types widely distributed inwards higher plants. Chl c is establish inwards diatoms, dinoflagellates as well as dark-brown algae. Chl d is acquaint inwards carmine algae. Chlorophylls are insoluble inwards H2O as well as tin live extracted alone amongst organic solvents. The chlorophyll molecule is formed of a caput as well as tail. The caput is formed of magnesium-porphyrin. The porphyrin consists of 4 pyrrol rings joine dtogether yesteryear CH bridges. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 divalent key magnesium is attached amongst the nitrogen atoms of the 4 pyrrol rings. The tail is formed of a long chain of carbon atoms called phytol chain. it is attached to the prophyrin ring. The caput is hydropilic as well as

Mr Ten Departure Betwixt Aerobic Together With Anaerobic Respiration

Respiration is a procedure of biological oxidation where oxygen is utilized too CO2 is released for the suggest of releasing energy.  Types of Respiration Degradation of organic nutrient for the role of releasing loose energy tin occur with or without the participation of oxygen. Hence respiration tin hold upwards classified into 2 types namely aerobic too anaerobic respiration . Aerobic respiration Aerobic respiration takes house inward the presence of oxygen too the respiratory  substrate gets completely oxidised to carbon dioxide too H2O every bit terminate products.This type of respiration is of mutual occurrence too it is oftentimes used every bit a synonym of respiration. C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 -> 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O + 686 Anaerobic respiration It takes house inward the absence of oxygen too the respiratory substrate is incompletely oxidised. Some other compounds are likewise formed inward improver to carbon dioxide. This type of respiration is of rare oc

Mr Ten Divergence Betwixt C3 Together With C4 Cycle (Calvin Cycle Together With Hatch Together With Slack Cycle)

Photosynthesis is a complex procedure of synthesis of organic nutrient materials. Its is complicated oxidation- reduction process. Here H2O is oxidised in addition to CO2 is reduced to carbohydrates. It lakes places house inward 2 steps. They are low-cal reaction in addition to nighttime reaction. In low-cal reaction ATP in addition to NADPH 2 are produced. In nighttime reaction CO2 is reduced amongst the tending of ATP in addition to NADPH2, to make glucose. In nighttime reaction, 2 types of cyclic reaction occur. They are Calvin cycle or C3 cycle in addition to Hatch- Slack cycle or C4 cycle. Calvin Cycle or C3 Cycle The Calvin cycle was observed yesteryear Melvin Calvin inward Chlorella, an unicellular alga. Hence it is called so. In this reaction carbon dioxide is converted into sugars. So it is a procedure of carbon fixation. The start stable chemical compound produced inward Calvin cycle is a three carbon chemical compound namely three phosphoglyceric acid (

Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Anaphase Ane In Addition To Anaphase 2

Meiosis is reduction sectionalization that occurs solely inwards germ cells where gametes are produced alongside one-half the chromosome release to that of the bring upwards cell. This reduction is essential for maintenance of chromosome release inwards a species. Major events inwards meiosis 1) Two successive jail cellular telephone sectionalization without deoxyribonucleic acid replication 2) Formation of chiasmata in addition to crossing over that Pb to genetic variation 3) Separation of homologous chromosomes inwards anaphase I of meiosis I 4) Separation of sis chromatids inwards anaphase II of meiosis II Anaphase I The 2 members of each bivalent repel each other in addition to deed towards the reverse poles. Each pole receives one-half the release of chromosomes.   Reduction occurs in addition to crusade of chromosomes is brought past times the spindle fibres. Anaphase-II The centromere divides in addition to 2 chromatids of each chro

Mr Ten Divergence Betwixt Fatty Soluble Together With H2o Soluble Vitamins

Vitamins are essential nutrient factors, which are required for the proper usage of the proximate principles of nutrient similar carbohydrates , lipids as well as proteins . They likewise serve the needs of growth, differentiation as well as maintenance of normal cellular functions. Discovery of vitamins started from observation of deficiency manifestations, e.g. scurvy, rickets, beriberi etc. The vitamin theory was suggested independently past times Hopkins inwards 1912 as well as Funk inwards 1913. The term “vitamine’ was coined from the words vital + amine, since the before identified i had amino groups. Later piece of job showed that nearly of them did non incorporate amino groups, as well as then the final missive of the alphabet ‘e’ was dropped inwards the modern tem of vitamin .  The vitamins are mainly classified into two: Fat soluble Vitamins: A, D, E as well as K. Water soluble vitamins are B complex as well as C Fat Soluble vs Water Soluble Vitamins

Mr Ten Divergence Betwixt Caterpillar As Well As Butterfly

Caterpillar 1. Feeds on corporation nutrient past times biting together with chewing type of oral fissure parts 2. Abdomen has prolegs 3. Simple antennae 4. Ocelli business office every bit elementary eyes 5. No wings 6. Wriggles on leaves together with branches Butterfly 1. Feeds on liquid nutrient past times sucking nectar from bloom past times siphoning type of oral fissure parts 2. Abdomen has no legs 3. Long monastic enjoin shaped antennae 4. Compound eyes are present 5. Wings are used for flying 6. Flies inwards air for visiting flowers

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Butterfly As Well As Moth

Butterfly 1. Diurnal 2. Butterflies are to a greater extent than oftentimes than non brightly coloured 3. Slim together with less hairy torso 4. Antennae are knobbed at their tips 5. At rest, wins prevarication at correct angles to the surface 6. Forewing together with hindwings are non connected 7. Pupae are naked Moth 1. Nocturnal 2. Moths are to a greater extent than oftentimes than non irksome coloured 3.Fatter together with to a greater extent than hairy torso 3.Antennae are pointed at their tips. 4. At residuum , wings prevarication parallel to the surface 5. Fore wing together with hindwing connected 6. Pupae are enclosed inwards good developed cocoons

Mr Ten Departure Betwixt Cartilaginous In Addition To Bony Fishes (Chondrichthyes In Addition To Osteichthyes)

Fishes are vertebrates amongst scales, fins as well as gills. They are alone aquatic. There are iii major types of fishes: Jawless fishes (Cyclostomes), Cartilaginous (Chondrichthyes) as well as Bony (Osteichthyes) fishes. Cyclostomes (Jawless fishes) convey a round off aperture called mouth.  They lack paired fins as well as are called lamprey as well as hag fish. These are institute inward North America. Chondrichthyesand vs  Osteichthyes (Cartilaginous vs Bony fishes) Cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes) Examples:Sharks, rays as well as Skates 1. Cartilaginous endoskeleton. 2. Gills are exposed to the outside. 3. Mouth on the ventral side of the head. 4. Swim bladder absent. 5. Placoid scales. 6. Fertilization is internal. Bony fishes (Osteichthyes) fishes Examples: Salmon, Flying fish, Sea horse, Rohu, trout 1. Bony endoskeleton. 2. Gills covered past times operculum. 3. Mouth at in conclusion terminate of the head. 4. Swim bladder present. 5. Cycloid

Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Mitosis Together With Interphase

Mitosis 1. It is the existent stage of jail mobile telephone sectionalisation where jail mobile telephone truly divides . 2. Mitosis consists of  karyokinesis (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase) together with cytokinesis. 3. The chromosomes are to a greater extent than condensed distinct rod similar structures together with is thickest during metaphase. 4. It extends for a brusque fourth dimension accounting 5% of full duration of the jail mobile telephone cycle. Interphase 1. It is the stage betwixt 2 successive mitotic division. 2. Interphase consists of G1, south together with G2 phase. 3. The chromosomes are less condensed together with look equally chromatin material( thread like). 4. It extends for a long fourth dimension accounting 95% of full duration of the cell cycle .

Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Anaphase Of Mitosis Together With Anaphase Ane Of Meiosis

Anaphase of Mitosis 1.The centromere of every chromosome divides. 2. Separation of sis chromatids takes place. 3. Only 1 chromatid of every chromosome moves to the pole (now called immature adult woman chromosome). 4. The chromatids moving to 1 pole are genetically identical to those moving to the contrary pole (Before separation, these are sis chromatids held at a mutual centromere). Anaphase I of Meiosis 1.The centromere produce non divide. 2. Homologous chromosome are separated. 3. Each homologous span of chromosomes moves to the pole amongst both the chromatids. 4. The chromosomes moving to 1 pole are non genetically identical to those moving to the contrary pole.

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Prophase Of Mitosis In Addition To Prophase 1 Of Meiosis

Prophase  of Mitosis 1. Comparatively brusk phase. 2. No pairing of homologous chromosomes takes place. 3. No crossing over or recombination event. Prophase I of Meiosis 1. Long stage divided into sub stages (Leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene as well as diakinesis). 2. Pairing of homologous chromosomes takes place. 3. Synapsis , crossing over as well as recombination occur.

Mr 10 Deviation Betwixt G1 Stage In Addition To G2 Phase

G1 phase: 1. it is the showtime sub stage of interphase. 2. Synthesis of RNAs together with proteins needed for jail mobile telephone increment together with deoxyribonucleic acid replication are synthesized during G1 phase. 3. Some cells similar nervus cells destination dividing together with larn inward G0 phase, a resting stage without progressing to south phase. 4. It is followed past times south stage inward which deoxyribonucleic acid replication occurs. G2 phase: 1. it is the final sub stage of interphase. 2. Synthesis of proteins needed for spindle formation together with mitosis are synthesized during G2 phase. 3. All cells inward G2 volition progress to mitosis. 4. It is followed past times mitosis where jail mobile telephone divides to flat 2 genetically identical cells.

Mr Ten Divergence Betwixt Polycistronic In Addition To Monocistronic Mrna

Eukayotic mRNA molecules are monocistronic, containing the coding sequence alone for i polypeptide. In prokaryotes private bacterial mRNA molecules are polycistronic having transcripts of several genes of a detail metabolic pathway.   Polycistronic mRNA vs  Monocistronic mRNA Polycistronic mRNA  1. Contains codons of a to a greater extent than than i cistron. 2. Codes alone for to a greater extent than than i protein. 3. Is transcribed from a to a greater extent than than i cistron (cistron) in addition to has every bit many every bit initiation in addition to final result codons. 4. Present inwards prokaryotes. Monocistronic mRNA 1. Contains codons of a unmarried cistron. 2. Codes alone for a unmarried protein. 3. Is transcribed from a unmarried cistron (cistron) in addition to has i initiation in addition to final result codon. 4. Present inwards eukaryotes.

Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Prokaryotic Mrna Together With Eukaryotic Mrna

Prokaryotic mRNA 1. Often polycistronic rarely monocistronic. 2. 5’ -7 methyl guanosine cap is absent. 3. 3’ poly H5N1 tail is absent. 3. Ribosome binding site or Shine Dalgarno sequence is present. Eukaryotic mRNA 1. Only monocistronic 2. 5’ -7 methyl guanosine cap is present. 3. 3’ poly H5N1 tail is present. 3. Ribosome binding site or Shine Dalgarno sequence is absent.

Mr 10 Deviation Betwixt Dna Replication Inwards E.Coli As Well As Mammalian Cells

DNA replication in E.coli 1. deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase III is involved inwards leading strand synthesis. 2. Lagging strand synthesis is initiated past times primase. 3. Extension of RNA primer into Okazaki fragments is carried out past times deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase III. 4. Primer removal too filling of gaps betwixt Okazaki fragments is carried out past times deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase I. DNA replication inwards Mammalian cells 1. deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase delta is involved inwards leading strand synthesis. 2. Lagging strand synthesis is initiated past times complex of primase too deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase alpha. 3. Extension of RNA primer into Okazaki fragments is carried out past times deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase delta. 4. Primer removal too filling of gaps betwixt Okazaki fragments is carried out past times deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase delta.

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Photosynthesis In Addition To Chemosynthesis

Photosynthesis 1. Occurs solely inwards greenish plants or chlorophyllated organisms. 2. Sunlight or solar issue energy is essential. 3. Involves paint systems to trap solar energy. 4. Radiant issue energy is fixed every bit chemic issue energy as well as stored inwards organic molecules similar carbohydrates. 5. Oxygen is evolved during the process. 6.Major contribution of issue energy to the full biospheric issue energy reserve. Chemosynthesis 1. Occurs solely inwards unopen to chemosynthetic bacteria. 2. Sunlight or solar issue energy is non essential. 3. Pigment systems are non necessary. 4. Chemical issue energy is released yesteryear the oxidation of inorganic molecules as well as is thus stored inwards organic molecules. 5. Oxygen is non evolved during the process. 6. No meaning contribution of issue energy to the full biospheric issue energy reserve.

Mr 10 Departure Betwixt Oxidative Phosphorylation As Well As Photophosphorylation

Oxidative phosphorylation is the procedure inwards which ATP is formed past times the transfer of electrons from NADH or FADH  2 to O  2  by a serial of electron carriers .  The sunlight-driven production of ATP from ADP too inorganic phosphate is called photophosphorylation . Oxidative Phosphorylation VS  Photophosphorylation Oxidative Phosphorylation VS  Photophosphorylation Oxidative Phosphorylation 1. Occurs during respiration. 2. Occurs within mitochondria. 3. Pigment systems are non involved. 4. ATP is produced from ADP too inorganic phosphate past times utilizing unloose energy released during electron transport. 5. Molecular oxygen is required for end oxidation. 6. The ATP molecules produced are released into the cytoplasm too this unloose energy molecules are used to acquit out diverse metabolic reactions of the cell. Photophosphorylation 1. Occurs during photosynthesis. 2. Occurs within chloroplast. 3. Pigment systems (PS-I too PS-II) are involved.

Mr 10 Deviation Betwixt Larva Together With Pupa Of Mosquito

Life cycl of musquito consists of iv distinct stages: eggs, larvae, pupae together with adults. Larvae are herbivorous. They feed on infinitesimal aquatic vegetation. They grow inwards size past times moulting 3 times together with inwards nigh 2 weeks they growth inwards size together with alter into the side past times side phase called pupae. The pupa is a not feeding phase inwards which onetime organs disintegrate together with novel are formed to alter into the immature mosquito. Larva vs Pupa of mosquito Larva 1. Long worm similar inwards shape. 2. Head distinct but pectus together with abdomen continuous. 3. Respiratory subway at the terminate of the abdomen for respiration. 4. Feeds on vegetation, moults together with grows. 5. Shows active movements. Pupa 1. Short comma shaped. 2. Cephalothoraxes formed past times the fusion of caput together with pectus piece the abdomen is distinct. 3. Respiratory subway at the cephalothorax. 4. No feeding toge

Mr Ten Deviation Betwixt Homologous Together With Analogous Structure

Homologous Structures or Organs: The construction which are like inward their morphology, anatomy, genetics as well as embryology but unlike inward their functions are called homologous structures . These structures are inherited from a mutual ancestor; they convey like developmental designing inward the embryos; they convey the same type of bones, blood vessels, nerves, muscles etc. but they convey create unlike functions inward different animals. The relationship  betwixt homologous structures is called homology. Analogous structures: Sometimes animals belonging to different grouping alive inward the same habitat. Hence they Pb a like type of life. This leads to the evolution of superficially like structures to Pb a like means of life. As these animals belong to different groups, anatomically the structures are different. The structures are which are superficially like but anatomically unlike doing like functions called  analogous structures . Homologous

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Onetime Biotechnology In Addition To Novel Biotechnology

Biotechnology is the controlled together with deliberate application of unproblematic biological agents-living or dead cells or jail mobile telephone components-in technically useful operations either of productive industry or every bit service operation. Simply it is the role or manipulation of biological agents for manufacturing roughly products or services. Take the instance of Humulin, insulin developed past times rDNA applied scientific discipline or biotechnology. It is a product. If nosotros could genetically manipulate a bacteria or fungus to degrade the environmental menace similar plastic, together with thence it is a service to protect environment. Biotechnology is largely a commercial technology. Old Biotechnology vs New Biotechnology Let us accept roughly examples to explicate the concept. Case I: Examples of one-time biotechnology  Conversion of milk to curd Use of many biological organisms similar yeast inwards wining together